Partial crowns, crowns, bridges, dental prosthetics, and implant crowns all fall under the category of dental prosthesis. If a tooth is damaged on a large surface or completely broken, it is possible to replace it with a crown (partial or full crown) to make the tooth functional again. In the case of a missing tooth, this can also be treated with a dental prosthesis such as a bridge, implant or a dental prosthetic.
Your dental prosthetic will be prepared
by a dental technician in dental laboratory. There are two dental
laboratories we’ve chosen to work with: Zahnhandwerker in Dietzenbach and Zahnwerk in Wiesbaden.
In order to create dental prosthesis of
the highest quality it is of great importance to work with dental
technicians. A personal consultation with the dental technician
either in the practice or the laboratory is something that can easily
be set up for you as we strive to meet your wishes while achieving a
flawless result and smile for you.